Combination of Logos from Fallout 2 and Final Fantasy VII
A shrine dedicated to the two best games ever!
Cloud on bike from Final Fantasy VII      Power Armor Mk2 from Fallout 2
Fallout 2 and Final Fantasy VII are incredible games. They both have so many great characters and incredibly cool stories. Both treat you like an adult. Fallout is brutal and Final Fantasy is confusing. Combat in both games is deep and complex and gets difficult at times. The designs in both games are wildly iconic! Who can't forget the spiky-haired Cloud or the badass power armors. They are both called role playing games, but they couldn't be more different! Fallout is a role playing games that gives you a bunch of freedom to become whatever character you want to be whereas Final Fantasy is a role playing game where each character is premade and has a really large story planned out that you get to experience!

What are you waiting for? Go play these games now!

I don't even have any consoles, I just have the computer I'm using to create this world wide web page! Thankfully both of these games run on this computer. This is the first Final Fantasy I've ever been able to play but I hope to play more in the future! Please Square Soft, keep putting your games on Windows! This is another interesting difference between western role playing games and eastern role playing games, in the west they tend to come out on Windows first (and maybe only!) but in the east they tend to come out on a console like Playstation but that's it. Fallout also has an isometric-grid-based movement system and a turn based combat system so you can really take your time choosing what to do but where your characters are standing matters a lot. Final Fantasy is an active battle system where your turns have a cooldown but if you don't take your turn quickly enemies can still attack you, you gotta be quick with the menus. Maybe there are more role playing games out there that defy these categorizations that I haven't seen, I hope to one day find and play them!

You're still here?! But, but I've already told you what you needed to know, the games are incredible, go play them and enjoy life... still here? Alright, guess I'll dive into these wonderful games and explain myself a bit more!

Final Fantasy VII

Animtion of Cloud looking up at Shinra HQ Screenshot of FF7 combat UI Reading a good book, watching a good movie, they're good but imagine if you could PLAY in a great story... oh wait, you can. It's called Final Fantasy VII. It is such a massive and complicated but beautiful story. The characters all have such charm! The world is so huge. The music (after I got the Yamaha sound synthesizer working) is wildly fantastic. The cutscenes are bombastic and gnarly! The fights are fun and tough and thoughtful.

At first nothing will make any sense, but eventually, if you stick with it and talk to characters and pay attention so much is revealed. It might not even all make sense by the end, but the important parts will! And if you keep digging, you'll unravel even more! The world and stories are all totally worth investing all the time into. It is a deep ocean, and you just need to dive in head-first and start exploring!

Fallout 2

Fallout 2 intro showing Enclave dealing with a newly opened vault Screenshot of in-game UI

Imaging being able to live whatever kind of life you want, Fallout 2 is not that. Buuuuut, it does let you try and live and bunch of different kinds of lives. In a very dystopian and lawless world, where people basically mostly look for number one, themselves. They're not all like that! Some good people are still out there too, trying to do right by others. What kind of person do you want to be? Are you going to be the champion of your tribe? Are you going to be a ruthless murderer? What are you willing to do to save your people? Or do you not care about them at all?

There are so many NPCs out there to interact with, tons of quests, tons of loot, tons of places to go! It is a very adult game as well, you can make the game more gory if you want, you can do naughty stuff, you can be cruel, you can shovel poop! The world is your oyster.


I'll be writing up some guides on how to hack the save files for each game, but I don't know when that'll be done! Want to show y'all how to edit all the stats, and cool flags, and all that neat stuff. It'll be a huge undertaking! Maybe in the new millenium :D

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